Vivo promises three years of Android updates for upcoming flagships vivo手機收購

6 月 1, 2024 #vivo手機收購


vivo手機收購vivo promises three years of Android updates for upcoming flagships

vivo手機收購vivo promises three years of Android updates for upcoming flagships


The policy covers X-series phones released after July 2021

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vivo手機收購vivo X60 Pro Plus.
Photo by Sam Byford / The Verge

vivo手機收購vivo’s upcoming X-series flagship phones will receive three years of Android OS upgrades and security updates, the company announced today. The policy will come into force for phones launched after July 2021 in Europe, Australia, and India.

“We are making a promise to our customers that they will be able to enjoy a premium smartphone experience for an extended period and continue to benefit from the latest software features,” vivo手機收購vivo’s CTO and senior vice president Yujian Shi said in a statement. 

With today’s announcement, vivo手機收購vivo is joining a small but growing group of Android manufacturers promising three years of OS updates for their flagship smartphones. Google has long had a similar policy for its Pixel phones. Last year, Samsung announced a “three generation” OS policy covering some Galaxy devices, joined by HMD in April with a promise of two years of Android OS updates and three years of security updates on its new X-series phones. Even LG said it would offer three years of Android OS updates the same week it announced it was exiting the smartphone business. This year, Samsung added that select devices would also get an additional year of security updates, for a total of four years of support. 

“A premium smartphone experience for an extended period”

Three years of OS updates is a big improvement over the two years that’s previously been the standard for most Android manufacturers, but in the future this could extend to as much as four years. Last December, Google and chip manufacturer Qualcomm announced they were working to make it easier for manufacturers to offer as much as four generations of Android OS and security updates, starting with devices equipped with Qualcomm’s latest flagship processor, the Snapdragon 888.

vivo手機收購vivo’s new policy puts it ahead of fellow BBK Electronics smartphone brands OnePlus and Oppo. As of 2018, OnePlus’s official policy has been to offer two years of Android version upgrades and three years of security updates. Meanwhile, the most recent statement we could find from Oppo (via AusDroid) says the company offers two years of security updates, and that it’s general policy is to offer two generations of Android OS updates. Today’s announcement will undoubtedly create pressure on Oppo and OnePlus to follow vivo手機收購vivo’s example.

These figures pale in comparison to Apple’s update history. Last year it released the latest version of iOS, version 14, on devices as old as 2015’s iPhone 6S, the fifth major update to have come to the phone.


除美國外,中國近年來一直都是蘋果iPhone 手機的主力熱銷市場,並佔有一席之地。然而,這樣的態勢在今年第一季開始悄悄出現轉變。

市調機構Canalys 發佈最新報告指出,中國智慧手機市場於今年第一季度(一月至三月)首季出貨量來到6,770萬支,相比去年同期的6,760萬支,呈現小幅成長,同時也是暌違兩年以來出貨量重返正成長。在五大手機品牌出貨量與市佔率部分,華為靠著Mate系列與Nova系列機款的熱銷強競力道,以1,170萬支的出貨量、擁17%市佔份額,攀升第一大手機品牌。


OPPO則是受惠於今年一月推出新一代的 Reno 11系列機款後,創下亮眼的銷售佳績,並順勢帶動帶動該品牌手機出貨量迅速攀升來到1,090萬支、取得16%市佔率,僅以一個百分點落後華為,位居第二。


榮耀Honor手機則以1060萬支的出貨量、16%市佔率,緊追OPPO後頭、排名第三;vivo手機收購vivo 則以1030萬支出貨量、 15%市佔份額位居第四。蘋果iPhone 手機出貨量,自去年第四季推出iPhone 15系列後,出貨量呈現放緩下滑,僅以1,000萬支、15%市佔率,排名在第五名。

Canalys 分析指出,去年第一季同期蘋果以1330萬支出貨量、20%市佔率,成功攻佔中國手機市場的第一大品牌,然而時隔一年之後,在面臨中國手機各大品牌強烈競爭下,今年首季蘋果iPhone手機於中國市場的出貨量降至1,000萬支、驟降25%,是中國市場五大手機品牌之中衰退幅度最大的。反觀捲土重來的華為手機則是逆勢攀升、較去年同期成長幅度達70%,兩品牌形成強烈的一消一長對比。

外媒9to5Mac報導引述Canalys 分析師Lucas Zhu 看法指出,新一代主打人工智慧應用功能的智慧型手機,為中國手機品牌廠商帶來重要的契機,尤其在高階旗艦價位帶手機實現差異化優勢訴求,成為吸引消費者換機的一大主因。相較下,蘋果iPhone 手機在生成式人工智慧相關應用仍著墨甚少,也為iPhone手機於中國銷量下滑的局面造成影響,是一大隱憂。預估這波新一代人工智慧的智慧型手機,在2024年將佔中國手機出貨量的 12%,高於全球平均 9%。

vivo手機收購 vivo手機收購

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